When it comes to government housing projects the aim is to seek and create urban environments that are safe and offer a range of social amenities that go hand in hand with the housing tenure, typology and density options. The housing projects must promote regional and local economic development and must be well developed and well governed in accordance with a comprehensive development framework that is based on sound environmental principles that foster civic pride amongst its people.
There are three components to developing a framework for government housing and they are the transportation component, an environmental component and a planning and design component.
Land management
The focus of land management for a government housing project could for instance consist of various factors. Approval of the general plans and opening of the township and registering it with a name needs to be done. It should also be ensured that the land management system for that particular township is consistent with the provisions of the current development planning bills as well as those of the municipality for that area.
Preparing of details plans to erf level for the development of the government housing project will need to be carried out.
When it comes to the environment issues of government’s housing projects, there are a few environmental issues, amongst others, that need to be considered. Usually there are some community participation projects that promote environmental awareness and education, stimulating an environmental and land care ethic, and promoting the capacity of communities to participate in associated projects linked to the government housing project.
The development and maintenance of open spaces, specifically for use as parks and recreation and including items such as fencing, grass levelling, playground equipment and lighting all need to get taken into consideration when planning ahead for bulk housing. Meetings will be set up with landscapers to discuss tree planting in public spaces such as pavements, walkways, schools, and clinics and also trees for private spaces such as the resident’s homes.
Professional consultants will provide professional services
Meetings will be set up with engineers and architects to plan on road network developments, water reticulation, horticultural beautification and street furniture. Ground will need to be allocated for cemeteries as well and provision of electricity supply and high mast lighting all needs to be taken into account to make these residential places effective and successful.
Planning will create a successful area in which to live
Addressing issues such as employment creation, income generation and sustainable community resource management is important and that is why erecting mass housing projects around major cities is considered important. Facilitating the improvement of water quality including bio-monitoring and an educational river health programme that allows schools to participate in monitoring activities as well encourages young people to be interested in their environment promotes a sense of pride. Facilitation of improving air quality, including the establishment of an air quality monitoring station in some of the townships also gets taken into consideration.
If the land is not properly zoned for specific purposes , example residential and industrial, and divided into surveyed building stands, streets and open places, great difficulty will be experience later in establish who the owners of specific buildings plots are.
Planning and environmental overviews to make sure that government housing projects will be successful in where they will be constructed and developed is essential to its further growth and success and happiness of its people.
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